
Your ease and effort toward building relationships enables you to problem solve collaboratively and find solutions in ways that would take weeks, months, and even years for others.

You bring energy to the people around you by your demeanor and enthusiasm. You are quick to 🎉celebrate others, encourage, affirm, and inspire.

Students feel comfortable and confident in your class because of how you listen to them and champion learning. Parents trust you because of your authentic nature. You’re gentle and kind-spirited making it easy for them to connect with you.

Your colleagues probably come to you for advice, encouragement, and probably to vent now and then. You equip others to lead and call out their greatness by the way you support and affirm their expertise.

Your collaborative nature can be a source of energy to you, but sometimes, it leads to exhaustion.

You try to earn the trust of that one parent, but she still answers you with a short and harsh tone if she responds at all. You try to support your colleagues as much as you can, but sometimes it interferes with you getting your work done.

How much giving is too much giving?

Your collaborative nature is an asset and can enable you and your team to be more productive. But be careful to protect your energy so that you can continue to spend it where it makes the most impact.

Assess which activities seem to pull the most energy from you and put boundaries in places that will protect and budget your energy well.

HOLD ON THERE, does this sound like you? If not, hop on over here to see the other results. This quiz isn’t exactly a mind reader so if we got it wrong - my apologies.

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 Hi, I'm Grace.

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned productivity coach and podcaster for teachers. I'm also a toddler momma, bookworm, and coffee enthusiast.

In my 4th year of teaching, I realized that I needed to restructure my life if I didn't want to burn out. I was pregnant with my first baby, working 60 hour weeks, and still felt like I wasn’t doing enough.

I ingested all the books and podcasts that promised they could help me become the mom and the teacher that I wanted to be. I ultimately discovered that productivity needed to be personal. My work habits needed to be tailored to my personality, my values, and my strengths in order for them to stick. When I rewired my systems and routines to reflect this framework, I not only got more done but I also became more confident in my teaching.

Now I help teachers like you utilize their strengths and expertise as productivity tools so they can get more done while feeling more confident.

Check out my best resources for Champions

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When you’re struggling to stay motivated, consider these questions:

❖ What collaborative opportunities are you excited to participate in? Which ones, not as much?

❖ What boundaries do you need to put in place to protect your energy?

❖ How can you connect with other professionals beyond your campus district to learn more about your content or pedagogy?

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Self Care Planner

  • Create mental and emotional boundaries

  • Strategize ways to advocate for yourself

  • Collaborate with other teachers


Productivity Guide

  • Tips and tricks for time management during lesson planning, grading, and communication

  • Create strategic systems and routines

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More resources are heading to your inbox!