Episode #3: How to Connect with Other Teachers in Your School Community

Real talk: Teaching can feel SOOOO lonely. 

The physical isolation of teaching from separate classrooms and scattered schedules (not to mention the covid 19 social distancing measures) means that there is little to no time for friendly small talk much less any other time to exchange ideas, give encouragement or vent about the frustrations.

This week on the podcast, I talked to my dear friend, Natalie Roefer, and she gave us some practical and creative tips for how to connect with other teachers- especially during pandemic times.

Natalie has taught in two different countries, several schools, and in several different positions, so she is very familiar with finding creative ways to meet new friends and connect with others.

At the end of this podcast, you’ll walk away with some practical strategies and ideas to reach out to other teachers on your campus and beyond.


Episode #4: How to Confront Imposter Syndrome (and use it to your advantage)


Episode 2: Five Productivity Systems that will Save You Time and Energy