Burned-In Teacher

A Website Copy Project

The Need:

Amber wanted fresh website copy for her website redesign. She specifically wanted support with messaging to ensure her website spoke to her ideal client while sharing her values and beliefs.

This is a common need during a redesign because brands are always evolving and changing. And while core beliefs and values may stay the same, more data about the needs and language of the audience is collected over time. Those new findings should be woven into the brand messaging in order to attract the right audience. And that’s what we set out to do with Amber’s website copy.

The Project:

  • In this meeting, we collaborated on the direction of the website with specific questions designed to excavate brand messaging.

  • This was the comprehensive process we took to understand the specific keywords that would connect Amber’s audience.

  • A very interactive process in which we discussed specific keywords that would resonate with the core needs of the target audience.

  • Stacy Aguilar installed the copy in a website she designed. We collaborated to ensure that the copy fit smoothly in the design and made adjustments as needed.

  • We put the finishing touches on her website with a series of emails that were automated to send to new subscribers once they signed up for the burned-in teacher email list.

Amber provided multiple surveys she had previously conducted with her audience about their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs concerning teacher burnout. This data is always so helpful for copywriters because it helped us understand different variations of her audience as well as the specific language they used to voice their struggles.

During the drafting and revisions phase, Amber and I discussed certain keywords from this data that would resonate with her audience more. As a coach, Amber was very aware of what her audience needed, but we also needed to prioritize words that targeted what her audience wanted. We wove in both in a strategic way that positioned Amber as a thoughtful and experienced guide for her ideal client’s journey through teacher burnout.

We followed up the website copy project with a welcome email sequence that would trigger when someone subscribed to the newsletter on the website.


Brand Strategy and Website Design: Stacy Aguilar Designs

Brand Photography:

In Amber’s Words…

Grace covered every nook and cranny out there when it came to understanding my ideal customer, what questions they were asking, and how to convey my message in a clear and concise way.

“I've felt "in the weeds" of my business for years and tried to convey my mission and offers in so many different ways, and I was spinning my wheels. In the process of redesigning my website, I hired Grace to write website copy and email sequences for me, and I have never felt so confident in my copy... EVER! In more ways than I can count and remember, she covered every nook and cranny out there when it came to understanding my ideal customer, what questions they were asking, and how to convey my message in a clear and concise way. What really stood out to me was how open her communication was and how comprehensive her process was for finding the right words and phrases to use for my copy. It can be scary to hire someone else to do work that "you can do yourself," but when you hand over something you've worked hard to make amazing, and they make it even better - it's worth every penny. Grace is very intentional, knowledgeable, and nothing short of incredible to work with. She was kind, easy to communicate with, so smart, and found so many holes that I couldn't find myself because I was so close to the work. She listened intently to what I had to say, what I've tried, and what my vision was, and she brought it to life.”

Amber Harper - Author, Keynote Speaker, Founder of Burned-In Teacher University

Let’s talk about your website copy project!

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