Sit Beside

A Website Copy Project

The Need:

Jennifer came to me with a vision for her brand new business, Sit Beside - An after-school tutoring experience for students around her community. The most distinguishing element of Sit Beside was that these small group learning experiences would be facilitated on a remodeled school bus. With such a unique format, Jennifer needed help articulating her vision for her programs and how they would be different from alternative after-school tutoring.

The Project:

  • In this meeting, we collaborated on the direction of the website with specific questions designed to excavate brand messaging.

  • This was the comprehensive process we took to understand the specific keywords that would connect Sit Beside’s programs with client needs.

  • This phase is very interactive in order to make sure that the length and depth of the copy met Jennifer’s expectations. We also did two rounds of revisions which brought a deeper clarity for ways to talk about Sit Beside’s programs.

  • Stacy Aguilar installed the copy in a website she designed using the brand strategy elements she had crafted for The Sit Beside Brand. We collaborated to ensure that the copy fit smoothly in the design and made adjustments as needed.

  • We put the finishing touches on her website with a series of emails that were automated to send to new subscribers once they signed up for the Sit Beside email list.

As a new business (and a new idea) it’s always important to present a very clear and thorough picture of structure and benefits for potential clients. Our Messaging Strategy Session was key in helping clarify the specific ways Sit Beside’s programs would serve students. With over a decade of teaching experience, Jennifer had lots of helpful insight about her target audience that we were able to tie into her brand story

We conducted Voice of Customer Research next to understand what words the target audience used to talk about their needs and goals. We synchronized those keywords with Sit Beside’s brand messaging to name the programs and create website copy that would introduce parents to the mission and vision of Sit Beside and win their trust.

We followed up the website copy project with a welcome email sequence that would trigger when someone subscribed to the newsletter on the website.


Brand Strategy and Website Design: Stacy Aguilar Designs

Brand Photography: Bethany Sellers

In Jennifer’s Words…

I was able to send her my rambling thoughts, and she made them concise, clear, and easy for my audience to understand and follow.

“When I hired Grace, I was starting my business from scratch and needed someone who would help me tighten up my thinking, focus on my wording, and present myself as an expert to my audience! Not only did Grace help me write copy for my business website, intros, programming, testimonials, and emails but she also helped me gain clarity for myself. I was able to send her my rambling thoughts and she made them concise, clear, and easy for my audience to understand and follow. Since working with Grace, my audience finds the information easy to understand. The emotion that Grace elicits with the calls to action and the testimonials have my audience reacting and wanting my services. Something I loved about Grace’s work is how the writing sounds like me! I also really appreciated her approach to the revision phase. It was very conversational and helped me hone my brand and my own understanding of my company. If you’re looking for someone who will take away your worry so that you can focus on other pieces of your business - someone who will create living, breathing words that will jump off the page and into the hearts of your audience - I highly recommend working with Grace Griffith.”

- Jennifer Hannah, Founder of Sit Beside & Learning Specialist

Let’s talk about your website copy project!

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Strobel Education


Burned-In Teacher