Your Ideal type of Marketing System is…

A Comprehensive System

A robust marketing system that creatively facilitates your audience through marketing funnels with a variety of entry points and platforms.

The Comprehensive System is a perfect fit if…

  • You have established marketing systems in place.

  • Your current marketing system is leading to sales.

  • You want to establish a presence across multiple online platforms.

Based on your quiz results, I’m guessing that…

You’ve already experienced success in your marketing and you have evidence of what your audience likes and wants based on how they currently engage with your content. With that knowledge, you’re ready to expand across multiple online platforms to reach a bigger audience.

Okay, maybe it’s a little daunting at times.

But because you have some solid systems in place for your current marketing platforms and the data to show for it, you’re not intimidated with the idea of branching out a little more.

You know that time is the biggest factor and although you have a rhythm and routine for your current marketing, you’re not quite sure how you’ll manage adding another platform to your content creation process. However you know it’s a good idea to help grow your audience and scale your business.

let’s talk about what a Comprehensive Marketing System can look like for you. 

By the way, if this result doesn’t sound like it quite fits, no worries! Hop on over to the results page, and you can see the other system options. Full disclosure, this ten question quiz really isn’t going to answer all of your questions about what marketing needs to look like for you, but it will get you started on your journey. If you have any questions, feel free to message me @gracemariegriffith on Instagram, and we can continue to the conversation!

By the way, in case we haven’t met yet, 
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I’m Grace.

I’m a marketing strategist for teacher entrepreneurs.

When I started my business, I invested time and money into learning all the things: email marketing, social media strategy, product creation, facebook ads, podcasting…the works.

I spent months experimenting with different marketing strategies. But it led to a lot of frustration because I couldn’t really tell what was working and what wasn’t. And if it wasn’t leading to results -then what was the point?

I eventually realized that I needed systems in place before I was ever going to really understand my data or see any growth in my business. 

 When I started using systems...

⏰ My time management improved.

📊 I received better data about what was working which led to better marketing decisions.

✍️ I simplified my content creation based on what I knew what was actually working.

📲 I implemented proven productivity strategies like batching and repurposing in order to make more time for the areas where I was achieving the best results.

Now I help teacher entrepreneurs like you use a combination of strategy and systems to scale their business so that they can make an even bigger impact by working smarter, not harder.

Check out my best resources for the Comprehensive SysteM

Okay, let’s get to it…

What does a Comprehensive System look like anyway?

Let’s chat about a few things…

Platforms to Leverage

{For the Comprehensive System}

For the Comprehensive System, I recommend a combination of…

◇ Email Marketing
◇ Social Media
◇ Website
◇ 2 or more long-form content Platforms*

*i.e. Blog/Podcast/Youtube Channel

Each of your platforms can reach a different type of audience, but they can also serve the same audience in a different way. For example, email marketing and social media are focused mainly on engagement and communication with your audience. They are interactive tools that should carry a two way conversation.

Long-form content is meant to inform and educate your audience and when you are choosing a long form platform, you want to consider meeting your audience where they are at. If your audience consists of busy moms, who like to listen to podcasts on the way to soccer practice, then that might be an ideal platform for your marketing. However, you can provide similar content with a Youtube channel or blog, to provide a different way for other members of your audience who prefer those platforms.

If you want some alternative or additional steps, then consider adding…

Facebook ads and/or Pinterest

Pinterest works like a search engine and can create organic traffic for your marketing platforms. It’s a free way to get more eyes on your content.

Facebook ads can provide a more targeted marketing approach because they can reach your audience more directly than Pinterest pins.

Strategies to Consider

{For the Comprehensive System}

◇ Repurpose Content ◇

Create a workflow that repurposes content across the platforms that you use. For example, use the content you write from a blog post to design an email, Pinterest pins, and social media content.

◇ Master the process ◇

Before expanding to another platform, make sure that you have a solid process in place for creating content for the current platforms you are leveraging. Consider simplifying it as much as possible using templates, setting a timer for your planning & writing, and using tools that automate your posting and publishing. If you’re not already, consider using a project management tool like Asana or Trello to organize your content.

◇ Outsource ◇

If you have a steady stream of income, then hiring a virtual assistant to carry out a portion of your marketing system could make all the difference in the world. Before you make this transition, write standard operating procedures for your marketing with details about your workflow and how you use your templates.

Resources to Utilize

{For the Comprehensive System}


Weekly Workflow Trello Template

Get your content creation tasks organized and scheduled with my Weekly Workflow Trello Template.


Time Blocking Template

Grab the template I personally use to block out my time throughout the week for tasks like:

  • Client work

  • Writing podcast scripts

  • Planning and writing emails and social media posts


Check your inbox for more resources!

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