Find Your Ideal Marketing System

Quiz Results

  • The Minimalist System

    A simple & intentional system that provides an entry point to your business for new potential clients and customers.

  • The Versatile System

    A multifaceted system that revolves around repurposed content and provides multiple entry points to your business through a variety of platforms.

  • The Comprehensive System

    A robust marketing system that creatively facilitates your audience through marketing funnels with a variety of entry points and platforms.

By the way, in case we haven’t met yet, 

I’m Grace.

I’m a marketing strategist for Teacher Entrepreneurs.

When I started my business, I invested time and money into learning all the things: email marketing, social media strategy, product creation, facebook ads, podcasting…the works.

I spent months experimenting with different marketing strategies. But it led to a lot of frustration because I couldn’t really tell what was working and what wasn’t. And if it wasn’t leading to results -then what was the point?

What I didn’t realize was that I needed systems in place before I was ever going to really understand my data or see any growth in my business. 

Without systems, I was wasting time, money, and energy.

 When I started using systems...

⏰ My time management improved.

📊 I received better data about what was working which led to better marketing decisions.

✍️ I simplified my content creation based on what I knew what was actually working.

📲 I implemented proven productivity strategies like batching and repurposing in order to make more time for the areas where I was achieving the best results.

Now I help teacher entrepreneurs like you use a combination of strategies and systems to scale their businesses so that they can make an even bigger impact by working smarter, not harder.


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