Your Ideal type of Marketing System is…

A Minimalist System

A simple & intentional system that provides an entry point to your business for new potential clients and customers.

The Minimalist System is a perfect fit if…

  • You need a simple structure.

  • You are just starting out in business.

  • You are new to marketing.

Based on your quiz results, I’m guessing that…

❖ You’re ready to grow and scale your business. You know the people you want to reach and maybe you’ve already been serving them.

❖ You’re ready to put yourself out there a little more to expand your reach.

❖ I’m also assuming that time is a huge factor when it comes to marketing as you’ve got a lot of other things on your plate at the moment.

Even if you’ve been running your business for a while and you’re up to your neck in clients and leads, a simple marketing system will give your business the boost it needs when you’re ready to grow and expand. Marketing needs to be a priority. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. A simple marketing strategy can achieve more visibility for your business if it’s intentionally designed to align with your strengths and meet your needs.

Let’s talk about what a Minimalist System can look like for you. 

By the way, if this result doesn’t sound like it quite fits, no worries! Hop on over to the results page, and you can see the other system options. Full disclosure, this ten question quiz really isn’t going to answer all of your questions about what marketing needs to look like for you, but it will get you started on your journey. If you have any questions, feel free to message me @gracemariegriffith on Instagram, and we can continue to the conversation!

By the way, in case we haven’t met yet, 
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I’m Grace.

I’m a marketing strategist for Teacher Entrepreneurs

When I started my business, I invested time and money into learning all the things: email marketing, social media strategy, product creation, facebook ads, podcasting…the works.

I spent months experimenting with different marketing strategies. But it led to a lot of frustration because I couldn’t really tell what was working and what wasn’t. And if it wasn’t leading to results -then what was the point?

What I didn’t realize was that I needed systems in place before I was ever going to really understand my data or see any growth in my business. 

Without systems, I was wasting time, money, and energy.

 When I started using systems...

⏰ My time management improved.

📊 I received better data about what was working which led to better marketing decisions.

✍️ I simplified my content creation based on what I knew what was actually working.

📲 I implemented proven productivity strategies like batching and repurposing in order to make more time for the areas where I was achieving the best results.

Now I help teacher entrepreneurs like you use a combination of strategies and systems to scale their businesses so that they can make an even bigger impact by working smarter, not harder.

{Check out my best resources for the The Minimalist SysteM}

Okay, let’s get to it…

What does a Minimalist System look like anyway?

Let’s chat about a few things…

 Platforms to Leverage

{For the Minimalist System}

For the Minimalist System, I recommend a combination of…

Email Marketing + Social Media + Website

Even in a minimalist system, it’s important to diversify your content across multiple platforms for several reasons. First, you don’t control how and when these platforms will change. When they do change, there will be a learning curve so you want to have at least one or two other platforms that you can rely on to bring in traffic when this occurs.

Second, the more you leverage the platforms where your audience exists, the more exposure they have to your business. Each platform works a little bit differently and provides a different experience for your audience to interact and engage with you. So even if you feel like you’re sharing the same content, it’s probably coming across a little differently on each platform.

When you’re ready to expand, consider adding:

Blog + Pinterest*

If you’re already writing emails to your list, think about how you can reconstruct them into blog posts that you host on your website. Blog posts are a form of long form content that have a longer lifespan than email and can improve your website’s visibility in google searches.

*Pinterest is a type of search engine for a specific type of audience. If you know that your audience uses Pinterest to find information, then you should consider using this platform. If you’re already creating social media posts - you can repurpose them by using that content for Pinterest.

Strategies to Consider

{For the Minimalist System}

◇ Clarify Your Client ◇

Choose a long form platform that your target client is likely to use. Is your target client a busy mom? Then maybe they’re more likely to listen to a podcast. Are they scrolling Pinterest for ideas for their classroom or business? Then create a blog and pins that will give them the solutions and ideas they are looking for. Understand who your reader/listener/or viewer is and what their values, interests, and needs are. Your content needs to answer the questions that they are asking right now and provide solutions that they are actively looking for.

◇ Practice Consistency ◇

Being consistent with the content that you publish will provide you with better data and help you adjust your strategy along the way. It will also improve your time management, confidence, and your decision making speed.

◇ Foster Connection ◇

Focus on opportunities to connect with individuals rather than increase numbers. Think about how you can create experiences to connect with future customers/clients, collaborate with your competition, and engage with industry leaders.

Resources to Utilize

{For the Minimalist System}


Weekly Workflow Trello Template

Get your content creation tasks organized and scheduled with my Weekly Workflow Trello Template.


Time Blocking Template

Grab the template I personally use to block out my time throughout the week for tasks like:

  • Client work

  • Writing podcast scripts

  • Planning and writing emails and social media posts


Check your inbox for more resources!

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