Episode 28: How to Design Your Course Curriculum
Featuring Megan Kensington
Imagine you have a brilliant idea for a course. It resonates with you. You have lots of experience that can speak to the topics that your course will cover, ideas for your training videos, workbooks, and templates. And then the question hits you.
How do I know that this will sell?
How can I make sure that I’ve created a product that my audience will not only be excited about, but also buy, and use to get results?
In today’s episode I’m talking with Megan Kensington, The Course Designer. Megan is an online teaching and learning specialist who helps entrepreneurs refine their expertise into signature frameworks, courses, memberships, and group learning programs. With over ten years of work as an educator, she knows how to build curriculum and systems that set participants and business owners for long-term success.
Today we’re talking about how to validate your course idea, how to determine what content to include in your course versus what content to share for free, and how you structure your program so that your students are successful.
Megan shares so many good tips about course design, and I’m telling you, this is an episode you’re not going to want to miss.
Episode Highlights:
Megan shares how to validate a course idea
Megan shares how to choose between what content to give away for free and what to sell in a course
Megan shares tips for how to structure your course
Megan shares how to use testimonials, feedback, and data to understand the efficacy of your online course
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Her Website: https://www.thecoursedesigner.com/
Action Steps:
Megan mentioned a lot of good steps to take when you’re creating a course but if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and not sure how to put her instruction into action this would be a good place to start.
Start with the end in mind.
Megan mentioned that starting with the end in mind is going to help you build the rest of your course - Where do you want your students to be at the end of their learning journey? What tools and skills will they have acquired as a result of going through your program?
Make some notes about those tangible resources that you’re going to provide for your students.
Talk about it.
If you’re not even sure if you have a viable course idea - do what Megan said at the very beginning - start talking about it - have conversations online and with the people you want to serve and listen to how your ideas resonate with their needs.
Maybe that’s with a quiz on instagram stories or a post or a question you place in a facebook group. But start engaging in those conversations to clarify and validate those ideas.
If you learned something from this episode, I would love it if you could take a screenshot of the episode and share it on social media - don’t forget to tag me @gracemariegriffith and @the.course.designer so we can share it in our stories as well!
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Take the Quiz - Find your Ideal Type of Marketing System
If you’re wondering what a marketing system could look like for you, I made a quiz to help you make decisions about marketing for your teacher business. Marketing is how to get the word out about what you have to sell, and that process looks different for everyone. So if you’re not sure what platforms you should be using or how much marketing you should be doing, head over to gracemariegriffith.com/marketingquiz and answer ten questions about your business.